Section A - Horticultural Achievement
In this section the judges will be looking for your year-round achievements in horticulture (including conservation and natural areas) focusing on 4 key factors:
A1. Plant Selection
A2. Plant Quality
A3. Residential aMaintenance of planted areas
A4. Overall Impression
Each of these key factors will make up 10% of your overall score and be worth a maximum of 10 points. The judges will take account of:
A1. Plant Selection – 10 points; 10%
Impact will be evaluated across the entry, in each area and as a whole
Colours & Design - Is there a scheme or theme overall and/or in key locations? Are the colours/design suited for the location?
Appropriate choice of plantsAre there of too many/too few plants to enhance the area? Are the plants appropriate in terms of flowering period and habit? Is there Sufficient variation, appropriate herbaceous plants? Are there appropriate varieties of both newly planted and recently (up to 5 years) planted areas (including mixes of trees, shrubs and herbaceous planting). Planting could be for foliage effect, bark effect etc. or for a specific purpose (i.e. conservation) or to provide flowering or other effects for a defined period.
Special featuresSometimes provided as a focal point, and may include structures or an intensive area of bedding.
PresentationAre areas well presented and maintained?
InnovationAre new and creative ideas evident in the design, colours, themes, plant selection etc.?
Horticultural practice in all areas on the tour route will be assessed
Cultivation and MaintenanceWatering, dead-heading and weeding is important. Appropriate feeding may be necessary.
May include irrigation considerations and thinning, trimming or pruning as appropriate.
Quality of plantsGood quality plants, obviously flourishing. No obvious signs of pests, diseases or deficiencies.
Appropriate size for planting situation, appropriate soil type etc.
SustainabilitySustainability is about ensuring ecological functions, processes, biodiversity and productivity can be maintained and only using resources at a rate at which they can be replenished naturally. You should therefore take into consideration the balance of permanent/sustainable planting vs. seasonal/bedding plants and the timing of displays.
New plantingHow much new planting has been undertaken on an annual basis? Is there a longer-term plan for the whole area or district etc.?
A3. Maintenance of planted areas – 10 points; 10%
Are areas maintained to a high standard including cultivation, weeding, feeding, pruning, grass cutting and edging where appropriate? Tree management and maintenance including appropriate planting initiatives.
Areas that may be included: Residential - Primarily front gardens/gardens in public view. Communal areas - Shared residential & communal spaces
Allotments, Public Buildings (grounds of) - includes schools, town halls, libraries, community centres, churches etc. Car parks. May include irrigation considerations and thinning, trimming or pruning as appropriate.
Presentation: Are areas well-presented and maintained?
A4. Overall Impression – 10 points; 10%
Are the overall design and materials used appropriate to the location of the park garden or cemetery, and do they generate any obvious WOW factors?
Innovation: Are new and creative ideas evident in the design, colours, themes, plant selection etc.?
​Floral displays are an important element of the Yorkshire in Bloom Campaign, but must be proportionate to the areas of sustainable planting and permanent landscaping within the entry. Floral displays may be present in a number of locations but typically, displays will be located in:
Publicly owned areas, including parks, publicly owned buildings, roadside areas and roundabouts. Housing and residential areas, residential homes, schools, allotments etc. Shopping areas, business areas and premises, commercial premises, public houses, hotels, garages, and transport terminals such as bus and train stations.
Yorkshire in Bloom has environmental responsibility at its core and the judges will wish to see permanent/sustainable planting initiatives as well. Landscaped areas with permanent plantings could include any of the areas outlined above as well as: Woodlands, copse, shelterbelts, verges, parks, public open spaces
Business parks, industrial estates, Screen planting, near factories/industrial areas, eyesores, vacant premises/plots etc. Amenity planting near residential areas, car parks, and shopping areas.