Why Enter?
To improve the environment
To foster civic pride
To develop community spirit
To improve the visual appearance of the place making it an attractive place to visit, work and live in
To create a good impression to visitors and to attract potential business
To involve local organisations – Local Authorities, schools, voluntary groups
To foster a sense of competitive spirit in order to achieve success
Remember that entering Yorkshire in Bloom should not be seen to be purely for competitive reasons. This is, of course, important but it must also be borne in mind that any improvements made to the visual environment and in the development of community spirit should form the long-term objectives of the entry.
Which categories can we enter?
Entry into the Village, Towns, City or Urban Community categories of Yorkshire in Bloom is based on the resident adult population and /or the type of community. Please use the Electoral Roll for your community; this can be obtained from your local council (a list of wards included in your entry should be submitted with the entry form). Entry forms will be available on the Yorkshire in Bloom website www.yorkshireinbloom.co.uk
These are the categories C1 to C5 and are judged in either Spring, Summer, or both.
All other classes are judged in summer only, thus all Business and Neighbourhood classes, Education and Schools, Public Parks and Charitable Establishments, Tourist Attractions and Start up groups are all judged in summer only.